Please make a tax-deductible donation to the Green Science Policy Institute. Your contribution will directly support the Six Classes Approach to reduce the use of harmful chemicals in everyday products.

Your gift, large or small, will make a difference to our efforts to protect our health and environment from problematic chemicals.

To contribute, you can either:
  • Donate securely online through our website by clicking the “Donate Now” button below.

  • Send your gift by mail and make check payable to Green Science Policy Institute: Green Science Policy Institute, PO Box 9127, Berkeley, CA 94709.

  • If you shop at Amazon, click on our affiliate link below before browsing and purchasing.

  • See below for instructions on donations made in honor or in memory of someone.


Donate Online

Make a secure one-time or monthly recurring donation to GSP support our work on the Six Classes.

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Donate in Honor or in Memory

If you would like to donate in honor or in memory of someone and would like us to send them a note, please make your donation via PayPal or check as instructed above, then send the following to [email protected], or with your mailed-in check:

1. Your name, email address, donation date and amount
2. Would you like this gift to be anonymous?
3. Note recipient name and email address
4. Honoree name (if different from recipient)
5. Personal message (optional)