Although sometimes convenient, PFAS are associated with serious health problems and they can remain in the environment forever.

What are they?

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), sometimes referred to as highly fluorinated chemicals or PFCs, are used in many consumer products and industrial applications because of their oil-, stain-, and water-repellent properties. Examples of chemicals in this class include PFOA, PFOS, and more than 10,000 related compounds.

Where are they found?

PFAS may be found in carpets, cleaners, clothing, cookware, cosmetics, electronics, food packaging, furnishings, outdoor apparel, paints, papers, protective coatings and sealants, and firefighting foams.

Due to concerns about their health harms, governments and companies have begun phasing out the use of in textiles, food packaging, cosmetics, and fire fighting foam. In 2020 the carpet industry voluntarily stopped using PFAS in most products.

What are the health concerns?

Well-studied PFAS have been linked to kidney and testicular cancer, elevated cholesterol, decreased fertility, thyroid problems, and liver disease as well as decreased immune response to vaccines in children.

How are we exposed?

Humans are exposed to PFAS through contaminated food, drinking water, air and dust. Products in our homes and workplaces that contain these chemicals contribute to our exposure. PFAS are found in the bodies of 99% of Americans.

What are the environmental concerns?

PFAS do not break down in the environment. Because of this extreme persistence, these chemicals are transported around the globe. They travel long distances and pollute even the most remote places.

“Safer” replacements?

Several so-called “long-chain” PFAS were phased out due to their potential for health harm. They have been replaced by numerous “short-chain” and other related chemicals that are equally persistent and may pose similar health risks. To prevent such “regrettable substitutions”, the entire class of PFAS—including fluoropolymers and fluorinated gases—should be avoided. For more on this problem, see our flyer “Fluorinated Alternatives: Myths versus Facts.

What Can You Do?

  • Choose furniture and textiles without water- and stain-repellency.
  • Avoid food in contact with greaseproof packaging, such as microwave popcorn, and limit food that is processed and high in the food chain.

  • Avoid personal care products with “fluoro“ or “PTFE” on the label.

  • Reach for cast iron, glass, stainless steel, or ceramic cookware rather than Teflon.

  • Use PFAS-free waterproof gear.

  • Consider removing and replacing carpets purchased before 2020. If that’s not an option, you should frequently and thoroughly vacuum the carpet and wash your hands before eating.

  • Note that “PFOA free” products are not necessarily PFAS-free as they often use similar chemicals instead.

  • Support companies that are committed to phasing out PFAS.

  • If you are concerned about PFAS in your drinking water, in-home filters remove many PFAS and other contaminants. EWG summarized what is known about the efficacy of the different filter options here.

  • Before making a purchase, see our PFAS-Free page.


  • Scientific Basis for Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class – 2020 – 16 scientists from universities, the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the European Environment Agency, and NGOs authored this peer-reviewed article concluding that all PFAS, including polymers, should be treated as one class and avoided for nonessential uses. (Press Release)
  • The Helsingør Statement – 2014 – This consensus statement summarizes the key scientific concerns about the potential impacts of fluorinated alternatives on human health and the environment.
  • The Madrid Statement on Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) – 2015 – The Madrid Statement documents the scientific consensus regarding the persistence and potential for harm of highly fluorinated chemicals, and lays out a roadmap to gather needed information and prevent further harm. This consensus statement has over 250 signatories from 38 countries, representing a variety of scientific disciplines. (Press Release)

PFAS as a Class Press Conference
w/ Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Kildee, & scientists

PFAS as a Class:
Scientists make the case

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

PFAS in Cosmetics Press Conference
w/ Sen. Blumenthal, Rep. Dingell, & scientists